Boys (continued):
So, my opinion on boys. So far what I've figured out are that there are different levels of guys. One level, this one being my favorite, are the sweethearts. They compliment you every ten seconds, tell you they love you, and will argue with you till kingdom come about your looks. They never call a girl "hot". It would always be pretty, beautiful, or gorgeous. The problem is, sometimes they can be clingy and fragile. So you have to be careful how you leave them if you decide to. These guys are always either really ugly, or really gorgeous.

Another level, is the douche bag level. These are the guys that call women "hot" or "sexy" the first time they see them. They're completely perverted and think they're on top of the world. They don't treat their women right and lie, cheat, and lie some more. The good things about these men, is that they're most likely good looking. Because they're asshole attitude arises from their over confidence in their appearances.

The third level are the moderate men. These men, being in the middle, don't have the courage to call a woman beautiful or gorgeous. But, don't have the asshole attitude to call a girl "hot" or "sexy". The men in this group are always the "teddy bear cute" guys. They're always shy and quiet. But, once you crack them out of their shell, they're funny, fun to be around, and sweet. These guys make the best friends.

Okay I'm making a second part to this. because I obtained a significant other today. He's one of the first type. He's so incredibly sweet. And he never forgets to call me, no matter what he's doing. I'm so glad I have him now. So for now, luckily for you, there won't be a lot of depressing posts. But anyways, I'm going to bed because it's almost 1:30am. Goodnight my followers.

Love to all,
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